Monday, March 5, 2018

We’re Nine, That’s Lots of Blogging Birthdays!

Can you believe it? Nine times, we’ve celebrated our birthday with you (our amazing readers and supporters) — it all started with Dr. No and the Parade of Horribles; then a Seth milestone here.

A Ron milestone there. We’ve hardly taken a day off, much less skipped a class, or been called out as absent from any serious discussion on any of the many IP topics we’re truly passionate about.

Let’s be clear, this is no fool’s paradise, we won’t be led down the primrose path, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee — are those enough hints to the first link in this blog post, Mr. Rooney?

Heartfelt thanks to all our regular writers (past and present), our guest bloggers, and also those who generously share their insights by posting comments or spreading the news in other ways.

What you’ve done over the past nine years to support our passion and to help make this dialogue and graceful collaboration a remarkable success, is not unnoticed, we appreciate each one of you.

By the way, we’ll be cutting more than virtual birthday cake on Thursday, at our Creative Brand Protection event, so here is your last chance to request an invite for a few remaining open seats.

The post We’re Nine, That’s Lots of Blogging Birthdays! appeared first on DuetsBlog.

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