Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Giving Season: Three Alternatives

So the season of giving is upon us. UPS packages from Amazon clutter every doorstep.

Giving gifts to the kids is still a joy. But the older I get, the more I appreciate simplifying things and exchanging meaningful donations to charity with the other grown-ups in my life. It's more in keeping with what Christmas means to me, it's less stressful, it feels good, it makes a difference.

Here are three ideas for the season.

First, the American Civil Liberties Union. (I've now alienated half the audience.) Their work is essential even when I do not agree with all of their choices and stances. Donations are being doubled through the end of the year.

Second, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which vigorously fights for the free speech and due process rights of students and professors. (There goes the other half.) You can donate here or help CEO Greg Lukianoff meet his matching goal here.

Third, a personal favorite, Mercy Ships. This organization parks medical ships off the coast of Africa and provides live-changing medical procedures to people who otherwise would never have access to such care. Donate here. An entire family from my church — adoptive parents like us — served on one of these ships, and their stories are wonderful.

Copyright 2017 by the named Popehat author.

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