Friday, July 21, 2017

The Proud Boy And The Sockpuppet

Last week I wrote about Jason Van Dyke, a lawyer, violence-threatener, bigot, and perhaps-ironically self-styled Proud Boy. This was a post of little consequence, unless you count the attempt to glitterbomb me through the mail:

WHEN YOU MAKE FUN OF ONE OF US YOU'RE MAKING FUN OF ALL OF US! Well good, because otherwise it's terribly time-consuming.

At least they tried. I guess. Technically.

Anyway, the post attracted a commenter who styled himself "Cory G." who came bearing a fantastical tale about Mr. Van Dyke, a tale that seemed only nominally to criticize him and more likely representing an attempt to make him seem like a dangerous badass, as a badass might be imagined by a lonely 14-year-old.

So I checked Cory G's IP address. That IP address came back to "Texas Title." Texas Title? That sounds familiar. There's a blog "Texas Title," operated by "Jason," associated with a law firm in Texas:

And, funny coincidence, Jason Van Dyke listed himself on the Texas State Bar Website as working at that same firm:

I wrote to Mr. Van Dyke to determine if I could, with his help, unravel this mystery. He offered a series of responses, denying being "Cory G" and claiming he no longer worked at the firm. You can tell it was really Jason because he offered a gratuitous threat of violence against Cory G.

I blocked you on Twitter and blocked most of the faggots commenting on yoyr sorry excuse for an article. Are you talking about Cory Grant?

There is nobody I know by that name working for them. As of Monday, I no longer work there either thanks to you so it couldnt have been me. I see no need to comment further since you wont believe me anyway.
If you are tslking to Cory Grant, you moght consider staying away from him before I have to go teach him ti mind his business.

Fuck off. You're interfering with my beer drinking and I dont have time for you or your bullshit blog. I dont know what youre talking about, so sit and spin

Query as to whether I have a moral or legal obligation to warn Cory G he may be in danger.

Anyway, he's still refusing to apologize for building Western Civilization, so he has that going for him, which is nice.

Copyright 2017 by the named Popehat author.

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