Friday, July 14, 2017

The Popehat Signal: Anti-SLAPP Help Needed in California

New Popehat Signal courtesy of Nigel Lew. Thanks, Nigel!

It's time for the Popehat Signal, where I seek pro-bono help for people targeted by bogus and potentially financially ruinous defamation suits.

I'm looking for pro bono counsel for a woman in state court in Northern California. For now, I will offer only a summary description. The woman's ex-boyfriend is about to name her in a defamation suit because she described how he treated her in a contemptible manner. It's a quintessential SLAPP suit, and — based on materials I can provide to you if you are a qualified attorney interested in the case — there's the potential for an extremely strong anti-SLAPP motion that will be devastating to the plaintiff (and his attorney, who has filed a SLAPP suit before).

The woman is employed at a nonprofit and — like most Americans — can't afford counsel to defend her. She can afford to cover costs, and in my opinion there is an unusually good chance of recovering fees through an anti-SLAPP motion. (In California, an attorney representing a client pro bono can get his or her reasonable fees paid upon winning an anti-SLAPP.) This is a fantastic one I would do myself if I could right now, but my dance card is full.

Please reach out to me at Ken at popehat dot com if you are interested.

Copyright 2017 by the named Popehat author.

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